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Neighborhood Spring/Summer 2012 collection

March 28, 2012

Japan’s  Neighborhood have taken the inspiration for their latest collection from a cult classic – the 1987 film, Less Than Zero, based on the Brett Easton Ellis novel of the same name. With their usual streetwear influenced clothing and cracking detailing, there’s a tidy selection shown below.

Using Less Than Zero as a catalyst, the label have taken a number of looks from the film and updated them in their own unique way. Much of the detailing present is inspired by a mix of American counter culture and military surplus, all taken and made to look uniquely Neighborhood.

As well as the numerous film references, Spring/Summer 2012 also features many of the brand’s cornerstone pieces, such as their premium 14oz denim pants and the hugely popular Kendall Chino. Alongside this are their latest T-shirts, which as ever draw heavily on the iconography of US biker gangs.

Shirts are based on archive workwear and western silhouettes, and as if that wasn’t enough, there’s also the latest installment in the long running collaboration series with Fragment Design, with an innovative reworking of the Channel 7 shirt.

As you can probably tell from the images, all of the above is available from the chaps at Newcastle’s End Clothing, so to get your mitts on it, go here: Neighborhood.

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